Michele Norgia


Michele Norgia

  • Fondamenti della Misurazione (Laurea Triennale) codice 088711

Michele Norgia was born in Omegna, Italy, in 1972. He received the M.S. degree with honours in Electronics Engineering from the University of Pavia in 1996 and in 2000 he received the Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering and Computer Science. In 2006, he joined the Electronic and Information Science Department of the Politecnico di Milano as an Assistant Professor in Electric and Electronic Measurements. Since 2016 he is Full Professor of Electrical and Electronic measurements at Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently teaching “Measurement Fundamentals” and “Instrumentation and Measurements”. 

His main research interests are optical and electronic measurements, interferometry, sensors for industrial applications, chaos in lasers, optical frequency standards, micro-electro-mechanical sensors, photomixing and biomedical measurements. 

He is author of about 170 papers (Scopus)published in international journals or international conference proceedings and 8 international patents. Prof. Norgia is a member of the Italian Association “Group of Electrical and Electronic Measurements” and a senior member of IEEE.