Paolo Laporta
- Elettromagnetismo e Ottica (Laurea Triennale) codice 054218
Paolo Laporta is Full Professor of Physics at Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently teaching Electromagnetism and Optics and where in the past he taught several courses both at undergraduate and graduate level, including General Physics, Experimental Physics, Optics, Optical Technologies, Advanced Optics and Lasers. Since 1992 he is the group leader of the “Solid State Lasers and Photonics Devices” group at the Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano.
He took up his scientific career as staff researcher with the Italian National Research Council (1981-83) and, straight afterwards, as Professor Assistant at Politecnico di Milano (1983-86). From 1986 to 1991 he was Associate Professor of Optoelectronics atTor Vergata University of Rome. From 1991 to 1999 he was Associate Professor of Optics at Politecnico di Milano.Since 2000 he is Full Professor of Physics at Politecnico di Milano.
Over the years his research has mainly concerned ultrashort light pulse generation, diffraction-limited lasers and optical resonators, diode-pumped erbium-ytterbium laser and innovative near-infrared solid-state lasers, waveguide writing and micromachining by ultrashort laser pulses, waveguide photonic devices with applications to optical communications. Recent research activities include frequency metrology and molecular spectroscopy in the near infrared using fibre lasers and amplifiers, quantum-cascade-lasers and optical frequency combs, specifically developed for ultra-high precision molecular spectroscopy in the near- and mid-infrared spectral regions, from 1 to 10 µm.
Paolo Laporta is author/co-author of about 230 papers published in high-impact peer-refereed ISI indexed international journals, over 150 proceedings in international conferences and 4 international patents [Scopus bibliometrics: H-index: 46 – Sum of total citations: 7466 (June 2019)]. He is also author of several scientific reviews and dissemination contributions. He has been involved in several national and international research projects; in particular, he was PI in the Italian MIUR PRIN projects 2003, 2006, 2008.
He served as member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the Italian National Research Council (2002-2018), “Full Member” in the Board of Quantum Electronics and Optics Division – European Physical Society (2008-2014); elected memberofthe Bodyfor Coordination of Teaching and Education at Politecnico di Milano (2004-2010), Faculty member of PhD School in Physics at Politecnico di Milano (2007-2012/2014-present). Since 2000 he served continuously as referee for LaserLab Europe (the Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures) and since 1988 as scientific expert of MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research) for the evaluation of industrial research projects.
He was awarded the Philip Morris Prize for Scientific and Technological Research for the Project “Erbium-Ytterbium laser for optical communications” (1992) and the National Italian Prize ITALGAS for Research and Technology Innovation (ITC section) for the Project “Novel Lasers for Optical Communications” (2000).