Paolo Dulio
- Geometria e algebra lineare (Laurea Triennale) codice 082747
Bornin Novara, August 22, 1963
Graduated in Mathematics, Milano 17/02/1987.
Teacher in the secondary school from 1987 to 1995
UniversityResearchersince 1995 (confirmed researcher since 1998).
Member of the Managing Committeeof the European COST scientific program “Enhanced x-ray tomographic reconstruction: experiment, modeling, and algorithms”.
Member of the organization and scientific committeeof several meetings.
Member of phd committees.
Author of more than 60 papers (Google Scholar) in the following areas: Discrete Tomography, Geometric Tomography,
Graph Theory, Neuroscience, Integral Geometry and Measure Theory.
My favourite research activity focuses on inverse problems coming from Discrete and Geometric Tomography, areas which are strictly connected to Computerized Tomography (CT), but with a main theoretical analysis of the involved mathematical features.
Like in CT the goal is the retrieval of information on hidden structures by means of X-rays, but the usual density functions appearing in CT are replaced by geometric objects. As a consequence, the typical problems of reconstruction, uniqueness and stability are handled through the investigation of geometric, algebraic, analytical or numerical properties, also employing prior information on the objects to be reconstructed.
In addition to Tomographic problems (X-ray data), my research also focuses onmodelling the functional and the structural connectivity in the brain network (EEG, fMRI, DTI, PET data) by means of a graph-theoretical approach and mathematical analysis