William Fornaciari


William Fornaciari

  • Embedded systems (Laurea Magistrale) codice 095907
  • Adavanced operating systems (laura Magistrale) codice 095904

William Fornaciari, Ms, PhD, is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano – DEIB. He published 7 books and around 300 papers, collecting 5 best paper awards, one certification of appreciation from IEEE and holds 3 patents on low power solutions. He has been involved in 18 EU- funded projects. During FP7 he won the 2016 HiPEAC Technology Transfer Award for the output of the FP7 CONTREX project, he served as Project Technical Manager of 2PARMA (ranked as success story by the EU) and he coordinated the HARPA project where he filed a PCT patent on thermal management strategies. In H2020 he is the coordinator of the FET-HPC RECIPE project and principal investigator for POLIMI of the M2DC, SafeCOP and MANGO projects. He cooperated for 20 years with the Technology Transfer Centre of POLIMI, actively working with international companies to the development of leading edge products. He created two startups (IBT Solutions and IBT Systems) in 2013 and 2016, respectively. His research interests cover multi-many cores, NoC, low power design, run time resource/thermal/power management, wireless sensor networks, embedded systems and cybersecurity. He is actively involved in the development of a new RISC-V SoC with innovative features regarding resistance to side channel attacks and energy management (http://www.lamp-platform.org/). You can follow me on ResearchGate and/or visit the website of heap-lab at POLIMI (http://heaplab.deib.polimi.it/).