Cristina Silvano
- Advanced computer architectures (Laurea Magistrale) codice 088949
Cristina Silvano is a Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria. She annually teaches basic and advanced courses on computer architectures and operating systems. Her research focuses on Computer Architectures and Electronic Design Automation, with emphasis on power-aware design for embedded systems, design space exploration of energy-efficient computer architectures and application autotuning for manycore architectures and High-Performance Computing.
She was recently European Project Coordinator of the H2020-FET-HPC project ANTAREX-671623 (2015-2018) on “Autotuning and adaptivity approach for energy efficient exascale HPC systems”. She was Project Coordinator of two previous European projects: FP7-2PARMA-248716 (2010-2013) and FP7-MULTICUBE-216693 (2008-2010). She is an active member of the scientific community and she regularly serves in several international program committees. She also organized 15 international conferences/workshops as Program Chair or General Chair. She is Associate Editor of ACM Trans. on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) and IEEE Transactions on Computers. She served as Independent Expert Reviewer for the European Commission and for several science foundations.
Her scientific production consists of more than 160 publications: she is co-author of 32 journal publications (including 20 IEEE/ACM Transactions) and more than 90 scientific publications on peer-reviewed international conferences (collecting one Best Paper Award). Based on Google Scholar (31/07/2019), her h-index is 31 and total number of citations is 3770. She is inventor or co-inventor of 11 international patents (7 out of 11 already granted). In 2017, she has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow “for contributions to energy-efficient computer architectures”.