Giancarlo Storti Gajani
- Advanced circuit Theory (Laurea Magistrale) codice 096532
Giancarlo Storti Gajani graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1986 and completed his PhD in System and Electronics Engineering in 1991 in Politecnico di Milano. He is currently an Associated Professor in group Ing-Ind_31 (Elettrotecnica) in the same university where he teaches Basic Circuit Theory (Elettrotecnica) and Advanced Circuit Theory courses. His main research interests are focused on the development of algorithms and methods for circuit simulation, non linear circuits and, more in general, non linear dynamics. More recently he has started working on power electronics and behavior modeling topics essentially focused to automotive applications. Results of his research are described in over 60 publications (Scopus). He has been member of research projects MADESS-I and MADESS-II and in a number of FIRB, PRIN and FP7 projects. He has done research consultancy work for Studio Azzurro, ST-microelectronics, ACCENT, PDF solutions, Cambridge Silicon Radio and Pegasus Microdesign.