Chiara Guazzoni
- Fondamenti di elettronica (Laurea Triennale) codice 086046
Chiara Guazzoni, born in 1972, graduated in Physics cum laude at Universita’ degli Studi di Milano in 1996 and moved to Politecnico di Milano where she earned her PhD in electronics and Comunication Engineering in 2000 and is now associate professor with tenure and teaches the course Introduction to Electronics (Fondamenti di Elettronica) for the B. Sc in Electronics Engineering. Her research interests are devoted to the development of innovative detection systems for imaging and spectroscopy of X-rays, gamma rays and charged particles. In particular the two main experiments she is involved now are the development of the camera head for XFEL within the DSSC Consortium and of the FARCOS, an innovative correlator for femtoscopy studies in nuclear physics. She is research associate with INFN, Sezione di Milano and she serves as Chair of the IEEE Radiation Instrumentation Steering Committee for the term 2019-2020.