Michele D’Amico


Michele D’Amico

  • Campi elettromagnetici (Laurea Triennale) codice 088680

Michele D’Amico was born in Italy in 1965. He graduated from Politecnico di Milano in 1990; in 1997 he received his “Ph.D. in Mathematics” from the University of Essex (UK), with a thesis entitled “An Anisotropic Model of the Electromagnetic Properties of the Melting Layer, and Comparison with Radar Observations”, under the supervision of Prof. A.R. Holt. He has been Assistant Professor at DEI from 1993 to 2002. Since 2002 he has been Associate Professor in Applied Electromagnetics. Teaching duties at Politecnico di Milano included lectures and classes on Electromagnetic Fields, RF circuits and Antennas, Wireless and Mobile Propagation. He taught the course “Radiopropagacion y medios de transmision” at ESPLOL (Ecuador) in 2011, 2014, 2015, 2018.

Research activities include antennas (antennas with reconfigurable radiation pattern and/or polarization state; metamaterial-based antennas; ZOR antennas; and antennas for the THz band), electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere at frequencies above 10 GHz, and radarmeteorology (both ground-based and airborne). He is one of the founders of ADANT, a very dynamic start-up whose mission is to develop and market novel and revolutionary antennas for next generation wireless communication systems.

Since May 2013 he is responsible for the experimental activities of the Spino d’Adda laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano, dedicated to the experimental investigation of EM waves in the troposphere.

He has been responsible for numerous research contracts, signed with both public entities and private companies. He is member of the Italian Society of Electromagnetism and IEEE Senior Member. He has several patents on antennas and has authored or co-authored more than 130 papers published in international journals or conference proceedings (Google Scholar).