Career opportunities

Career opportunities

The highly interdisciplinary nature of electronics requires a broad-spectrum scientific and technical preparation right from the First Level Degree, such as to allow both an effective integration into the world of work already after the three-year degree and a deep specialization of studies in the higher levels of the university course.

In order to meet these training needs, the Electronics Engineering Course is based on two levels, a three-year basic training cycle and a two-year Master’s level in which specialist subjects are dealt with. Regarding the three-year course of study in Electronics Engineering, the initial semesters focus on the basic subjects (mathematics, classical and modern physics, molecular chemistry and programming) in which the student acquires the essential elements of the scientific disciplines that constitute the indispensable basis of engineering studies. The following semesters are dedicated to more specifically electronic and design disciplines (analogue electronics, digital electronic systems, microelectronic devices, solid state electronics, optoelectronics, sensors and electronic instrumentation and microcontrollers).

The electronic preparation is accompanied and completed in the same semesters by the study of the fundamentals of other disciplines of information engineering, such as Automation, Telecommunications and Computer Science, with the aim of acquiring a solid and articulated preparation also in the application areas. 

In the last semester, students who do not intend to continue their studies can opt for an internship at one of the many companies in the sector, in order to acquire specific professional skills in view of the transition to the world of work.

The methods of teaching and verification of the preparation contribute to a training not only limited to scientific and technical knowledge, obviously fundamental and essential, but also aimed at consolidating in the student more general cognitive skills, such as understanding and autonomous study, necessary to keep up to date the skills in a constantly evolving field, written and oral communication in support of teamwork, and the solution of complex problems through their decomposition and modelling.

Professional status conferred by the title

The graduate in Electronics Engineering has acquired a broad base of scientific, technological and engineering knowledges and a more in-depth preparation in the typical disciplines of Electronics Engineering. The graduate also undergoes an operative training, which enables him/her to use electronic equipment and systems in various fields of application, from industrial controls to communications, sensors and electronic instrumentation. 

The Degree in Electronics Engineering allows access – after passing a state exam – to Section B of the Register of Engineers – information sector, with the title of Junior Information Engineer.

The course of studies in Electronics Engineering prepares for an effective integration into the world of work and provides a solid basis for the continuation of more specialized studies both in the specifically electronic field and in various other areas of high technological content. The graduate in Electronics Engineering, thanks to his articulated and in-depth preparation, can cover both technical-scientific and technical-organizational roles in various employment contexts, mainly concerning high-tech environments and the most innovative industries. 

The employment opportunities of graduates in Electronics Engineering are extremely wide and varied, including jobs in the following sectors:

  • companies of semiconductors, integrated circuits and, in general, electronic components;
  • companies of consumer electronic applications (audio, video, telephony, computer science, etc.);
  • high-tech electromechanical companies such as aeronautics, transport, aerospace, energy etc.
  • companies of electronic and optoelectronic equipment for telecommunications systems;
  • instrumentation companies for analytical and biomedical applications and for research and development laboratories;
  • plant engineering, automation and robotics companies;
  • consulting company for electronic design;
  • freelance activity for the design and implementation of dedicated electronic systems;
  • national and international, public or private, scientific and technological research institutions.

In addition, it should be noted that professional figures in the field of electronics engineering appear in numerous statistics as essential in industries in various other sectors, such as mechanical engineering, aeronautics, biomedical, etc. where advanced technologies are developed in which the electronic devices become increasingly important in production processes and in giving value to the final product (see, for example, the “Report on Engineers in Italy”, CNI Study Centre, available on the web page:

Thanks to the solid training and the strategical geographical location of the Politecnico di Milano, graduates in Electronics Engineering are therefore readily employed in the world of work. In Italy, the Lombardia area has no comparison in terms of concentration, number and importance of companies in the sector. The quality of the preparation also allows graduates to assert their talent in the international arena.

Data on the employment aspects of Electronic Engineers can be found on the Politecnico di Milano website, in the Career Service section, for example–ingegneria-elettronica in which is confirmed also in recent years the almost total employment (data are close to 100%) of graduates in Electronics Engineering.

Reports of the Evaluation Board