Admission to the Ph.D. programme

Admission to the Ph.D. programme

The Electronics Engineering Study Programme develops across three levels. After the first-level Bachelor’s B.S.E.E. Degree (Laurea), lasting three years, and the second-level Master’s M.S.E.E. Degree (Laurea Magistrale), lasting two years, it is possible to apply to the third-level of study, the Research Doctorate (Ph.D.), lasting three years.

The Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) further fosters and completes the knowledge in Electronics after the Master’s Degree. The Ph.D. programme aims at training professionals capable to carry out and supervise high-level research activities in the most advanced fields of Electronics and of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The main goal of the Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering is the supplement the acquisition of theoretical, experimental and methodological skills necessary for the management of innovative Research and Development (R&D) activities.

Information on the Ph.D. programmes at POLIMI is available at