Admission to the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering
To be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale in “Electronics Engineering” (i.e., the Master of Science degree in Electronics Enginering, M.S.E.E.) at POLIMI, it is necessary to have adequate curricular requirements, adequate personal preparation, and adequate knowledge of English.
As regards the curricular requirements, it is necessary to hold a first level Laurea degree in the L-8 (“Information Engineering”) classes. Alternatively, you must be in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree of at least a three years study programme, or achieved through the acquisition of at least 180 credits, of which:
- at least 30 ECTS related to “base” educational courses in the SSD (Educational Scientific Areas): MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, FIS/01, CHIM/07, ING-INF/05;
- at least 15 ECTS related to “side” educational courses in the SSD: ING-IND/31, ING-INF/02, ING-INF/03, ING-INF/04, ING-INF/07;
- at least 10 ECTS related to “core” educational courses in the specific ING-INF/01 “Electronics” SSD.
In the event that these prerequisites are not met, the student will have to acquire a number of CFUs greater than or equal to the minimum indicated above, through the attendance of individual courses at POLIMI, before he/she can be admitted. The same criteria also apply to those who already hold a University level qualification. In those cases, a career assessment will be carried out by an Admission Committee made up of members of the Electronics Engineering Study Programme’s Board (Consiglio di Corso di Studi di Elettronica, CCS ELN).
Concerning the assessment of the personal preparation, this is regulated by criteria that take into account the personal merit acquired by the candidate during his/her undergraduate course and the adequacy of his/her preparation to face the disciplines covered in the Electronics Engineering program (DM 16/03/2007 about LM-29 – Electronics). The assessment is proved out by an Admission Commission formed by members of the CCS ELN. In particular, students who obtained a Laurea’s degree in Electronic Engineering at POLIMI are admitted to the Laurea Magistrale’s Degree in Electronics Engineering at POLIMI if they reported an average of 23.00/30 in his B.S. degree (the average is that provided by Offices, of the actual courses only, weighed according to the credits). Instead, students graduated in other POLIMI’s Laurea’s Degrees or in other Universities are admitted to the Laurea Magistrale in Electronics Engineering at POLIMI if and only if they reported an average higher than or equal to 24.00 / 30 in the B.S. Degree.
Further details concerning the curricular requirements and the methods for verifying the personal preparation are explained in the “Academic Regulations” of the Study Program.
As for the knowledge of English, it must be certified by achieving minimum score levels in the assessment tests recognized by the University. Details of the recognized assessment tests and the required score levels can be consulted on the University website.