Luca Bertulessi
Luca Bertulessi was born in 1991 in Bergamo, Italy. He received the M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology (cum laude) from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 2015 and 2020, respectively.
His research activity during the Ph.D. at the ARPLab – Analog Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory (DEIB), was the design of high efficiency oscillator and digitally-intensive fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizer in CMOS technology for 5G wireless application. In 2018, he held an internship position at Infineon Technologies, Villach, Austria, as Mixed-Signal Design Engineer.
Since October 2020, he is assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano.He currently teaches Electronics for the bachelor course in Engineering of computing systems.
His research interests include mm-wave oscillators, digitally-intensive fractional-N frequency synthesizers, and high speed Analog-to-Digital converters for baseband wireless application.