Information events

Information events

The School of “Industrial and Information Engineering” organizes several information and guidance events each year, in order to explain to interested students what Engineering is and what the various Study Programmes are.

In particular, both the Bachelor of Science (i.e., the three-years “Laurea”) and the Master of Science (i.e., the two-years “Laurea Magistrale”) Degrees in Electronic Engineering have been actively presented at the following events:

  • ELECTRONICS ENG.: Study Programme’s Quality Assurance” (hend on October 31, 2019) to students at the second year of the M.S.E.E., on AQ (Quality Assurance), AVA procedure (Self-evaluation, periodic Evaluation, Accreditation), proactive role of students, Students’ Representatives within the Study Programme’s Council and within the Joint Professors-Students Committee.
  • QUALITY ASSURANCE” (held on October 9, 2019) to students at the M.S.E.E. providing an overview on “Bologna process”, AQ (Quality Assurance), AVA (Autovalutazione, Valutazione periodica e Accreditamento, i.e. self-evaluation, periodic evaluation, and Accreditation) procedure, role of MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), role of ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca, Italian evaluation agency for university and research), and periodic visit of CEV (Commissione di Esperti della Valutazione, evaluation experts committee).
  • LESSON ZERO” (held on October 3, 2019) to students at the M.S.E.E., providing an overview on POLIMI, Schools, Departments, Organization, Students’ role, Services and Opportunities and Contact persons, M.S.E.E. programme, courses and credits, thesis tipologies and evaluations, internal and external thesis, final grade, thesis topics on the research developed at POLIMI on Electronics.
  • LEZIONE ZERO” (held on September 27, 2019) to freshmen at the first year of the Laurea (B.S.E.E.), providing an overview on POLIMI, Schools, Departments, Organization, Students’ role, Services and Opportunities and Contact persons, B.S.E.E. programme, courses and credits, intership;
  • WELCOME DAY 2019” (held on September 11, 2019), addressed to international students enrolling to the Master of Science in “Electronics Engineering” (M.S.E.E., i.e. the “Laurea Magistrale“);
  • SUMMER SCHOOL 2019” (held on June 11, 2019), addressed to the best students of the second-to-last year of secondary high schools in Italy, illustrating the Study Programmes of both Laurea (B.S.E.E.) and Laurea Magistrale (M.S.E.E.) in Electronic Engineering at POLIMI;
  • MASTERS’ Degrees at POLIMI 2019” (held on May 14, 2019), addressed to first-level B.S. students interested to apply to the second-level Master’s Degree (LM) in “Electronics Engineering”;
  • ELECTRONICS“, a brief review of some applications of electronics in everyday’s life;